Nastasia Fiorentino

Writer and Book reader

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The enigma of room 622 Book Review

 Autor: Joël Dicker  Category: Thriller  Publisher: MacLehose Press  : June 8, 2023 More Details  Buy Now


In the luxurious Palace Hotel in Verbier, in the Swiss Alps, during an important party of a bank from Geneva, a crime in room 622 upsets the banking sector and the lives of the three protagonists of a love triangle. The case remains unsolved and fifteen years later, a writer on holiday at the Palace, intrigued by the mysterious change of room number decides to investigate, together with another guest, to finally discover who the culprit is.


An exciting story full of twists and turns that enthralled me until the end. I especially appreciated the author’s choice to provide information in small doses and with time leaps that help to understand how the events unfolded in each circumstance. I noticed an excellent job in building the plot and characters, like a movie script. A truly enjoyable and engaging read.
The story is told from different points of view in the first person, of the main characters. Each narrator provides relevant information that advances the plot in a complete and coherent way, and the reader understands the different perspectives.
According to what the characters want to achieve, we know how they are. Everything they do, how they behave and how they speak, revolves around the desire to make a dream come true. This makes them incredibly real, complex and human, with their weakness and strengths that also emerge through the dialogues and thoughts of the protagonists.
As for the descriptions, they are accurate. The use of flashbacks is a bold choice that favours the intertwining and unravelling of the cruxes of the plot. And finally, the author relates secondary themes to the main theme that strengthen the entire structure of the story.

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